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6 tools to research crowdfunding projects.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:51 pm
by sbriggman

Re: 6 tools to research crowdfunding projects.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:02 pm
by aldenpeters
These are great, thank you!


Re: 6 tools to research crowdfunding projects.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:23 pm
by philipzeplin
Awesome, thank you!
I already knew a few of those, but you added a few more to my arsenal :)

Re: 6 tools to research crowdfunding projects.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:36 pm
by justamomnca
Dear Mr. Briggman,

If I am posting to the wrong section of the forum, I apologize in advance! This is my first visit to and there are many threads to choose from.

It has taken me a full year to build a campaign that successfully presented my product, one with unlimited potential to be translated to other industries packaging, and today I received the Your project, EveryLastDrop- Revolutionary Design Proudly Made in the USA!, has been accepted! e-mail from Kickstarter!

And now that I finally have the OK to LAUNCH I don't want to squander this opportunity to change not only the world's wastefulness but my family's future as well. And I am smart enough to realize even the smallest misstep could be devastating to my campaign.

Sal, You are OBVIOUSLY THE PREMIER AUTHORITY on crowd funding success and failure as evidenced by being THE TOP RESULT in a Google search for "how to promote a kickstarter campaign".

And feeling as it is already MY LUCKY DAY having received the news I did this morning, I am hoping, praying, begging even that you will take 5 minutes and review my Kickstarter Preview Link. No one outside my family has ever seen it, and obviously they tend to be a bit biased and tell me it's amazing.

My main concern it that I have made it immediately evident that this is not about the product Every Last Drop is used with, it's about all the products it COULD BE USED WITH and the positive effect it could have on wasteful manufacturer's packaging world wide if I have a successful campaign.

Thank you so very much for your time and consideration of my request for assistance! ... n=5abf2681


Inga Binyon

Owner, Every Last Drop

Re: 6 tools to research crowdfunding projects.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:52 pm
by sbriggman
@inga - You must comment on three threads before you can create your own asking for feedback. One bit of feedback, your video should be ideally less than 3 minutes long, 5 max. It felt pretty long to me, but others may feel differently.