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Feedback for kickstarter Project

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:48 pm
by janecui11 ... flashcards

So I launched yesterday without thinking about who's going to back me up. It never even registered in my head. Now I'm frantically trying to build some publicity.

I do think it's a good product, and if I fail this time, I'll relaunch.

So any comments would be appreciated. Thank you very much!

Re: Feedback for kickstarter Project

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:12 pm
by JimmyB

I am in the same boat having just recently launched with just a modest following to start. What I've been doing is reaching out on a personal level with at least 5-10 people a day and asking them to in turn, reach out to any contacts who might be interest in a project like the one I am launching (dedicated to promoting creativity through collaboration between urban youth and professional artists). I will keep you posted on how things progress on that end. Like you, I have a relatively modest initial goal, but I also know it's going to take a lot of work to hit that goal and plan on treating this first campaign as a learning experience in any case.

BTW, I love your project. It's a really great idea and it really resonates with me. I just had one youth tell me the other day, as part of my project, how he wishes schools went take into consideration how some kids are more visual learners than others. This project really goes a long way towards remedying this gap.


Re: Feedback for kickstarter Project

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:36 am
by janecui11
Hi Jimmy,

Thanks for your feedback. I have some suggestions for you as well on your project. I really love what your are doing, but I think a lot of people say that. I'm going to say some negative feedback, because constructive negative feedback makes you learn.

1. You wrote an incredibly long story, which the reader will probably not read. You should keep the story simple and sweet. Get rid of some comics. Just put the essentials in to get your message across. You don't need that blue quote at the beginning. It's just wasting space.

2. connect with facebook. You'll get a lot of your friends who will see it more and more.

3. I don't know anything about YOU. I only watched half the movie, and it was just statistics. You should put yourself first, so we get to see your face, and the faces of the people in the project. I don't know who Eric Nyamor is. I don't care, because I haven't seen his face, and I don't know what kind of artist he is and his credentials.

4. I have to say I don't like the video. It makes me bored because it's just a bunch of students walking around. It kind of feels like you didn't put any effort. (Even though I know you put A LOT OF EFFORT, you truly have!)

5. Rewards are WAY too long. On the kickstarter website, it says to keep the rewards short and sweet.

I think your idea is inspirational and wonderful. You're doing such a great thing for students in urban areas. You should get more funding than 3000 dollars, really. I actually hope you don't succeed this round. If you take a couple of months, reinvent yourself, and put forward a better approach, I think you can raise OVER 3000. Do it for the kids!

If you have any other questions, email me at :)

Re: Feedback for kickstarter Project

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:08 pm
by sbriggman
Now I'm frantically trying to build some publicity.

Fun fact - Grew up outside Boston, MA (near Concord MA).

Saw that you graduated from BU 2012 - Any way you can contact the school and let them know about an alumni doing a cool new initiative that could be beneficial for the students?

Re: Feedback for kickstarter Project

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:55 pm
by wcromart03
I must say the object of the project is a good plan but the video is not engaging enough to pull people in. It needs to be a little more live with real people in it talking to the prospect backers. I hope something turns around for you and you get the funding.

Re: Feedback for kickstarter Project

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:04 am
by Defyne Design
This looks really good, love the drawings. No one else is doing this? I agree with wcromart about the video. I would start by cutting at least a minute out of the video. Let your product speak for itself. You definitely should relaunch.

Re: Feedback for kickstarter Project

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:40 pm
by ddcooltech
I love the project !!! Good idea!