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Facebook Ads to generate leads for the Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:05 am
by Vilius
I've noticed there's a topic in this forum "Facebook Ads - Do they deliver?" and "Where can I find a great person for FB ads?".

I was lucky to know a person who was Facebook Advertising Geek and was also the primary advertiser of some of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns, including Filippo Loreti (€4.8mn), MyKronoz ($5.3mn), Superscreen ($2.5mn), LIV Watches ($1.7mn and $1.1mn), Quartz Bottle ($1.3mn) and Sequent (1mn CHF), where he has put his love for algorithms and data analysis into full action.

You can easily find his name and his blog on Google, but unfortunately, he is no longer doing Facebook Ads for Kickstarter campaigns. Luckily I was able to interview him some time ago and he has shared really great tips on Facebook Ads.

The truth is that most Kickstarter projects that raise a hundred thousand dollars or more use paid advertisements.

In this video, you will learn, how the process of lead generation using Facebook Ads looks like and the difference between ads during the pre-launch and live campaigns:

Enjoy! ;)

Re: Facebook Ads to generate leads for the Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:29 am
by ChristinaTJackson
Hi, was looking online for some ways to generate leads on my website which helps people buy homework online and was searching for it when I landed on this post. I would love to use this strategy as it will be very helpful.

Re: Facebook Ads to generate leads for the Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:53 pm
by Kaji
It's not uncommon for experts in the field to move on to other endeavors or shift their focus. However, the insights and tips they share can still be valuable for others looking to leverage Facebook Ads for their crowdfunding efforts.

If you're looking for a replacement or someone else with expertise in Facebook Ads for Kickstarter campaigns, you might consider reaching out to digital marketing agencies, freelancers specializing in Facebook advertising, or other professionals with a proven track record in running successful crowdfunding or CRM enrichment campaigns. Many marketers have experience in adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of online advertising platforms.