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Utilize your personal and business network for Kickstarter launch

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:28 am
by Vilius
If you check Kickstarter statistics, you will find out that projects that raise up to 9999 USD form 67% of all successful Kickstarter campaigns.

If your goal is within this range, there’s a big chance that you will be able to gather your crowd without spending a penny on marketing.

In today's video, I will share methods that you can use to gather your potential backers with no budget by utilizing your personal and business networks.

I personally used this method to raise money for my first Kickstarter campaign and raised $12,191 AUD from 200 backers worldwide with zero marketing budget.

Today I'm sharing a video: utilize your personal and business network for Kickstarter launch:

Enjoy! ;)

Re: Utilize your personal and business network for Kickstarter launch

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:33 am
by nomlinz
This is so important! A lot of people don't give the importance to their personal and professional existing networks, and I believe part of this is because they don't think people they know would be interested in what their project is about.

But I certainly agree with you that this is an key part of finding your audience! Because not necesarily your cousin will be interested in your project, but maybe he know he boss would, and he passes it on! And so on..

I've actually created a "get to 100 emails" challenge based on this idea, and I will be launching it soon, to help people achieve their goals and start creating their audience.

Thank you for sharing!

Re: Utilize your personal and business network for Kickstarter launch

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:39 pm
by shawresse
I also started my current business with the help and funding of Kickstarter. I agree with what you're saying. Personal and professional existing networks help a lot in promoting your start-up to a crowding company. If you want to get successfully funded by Kickstarter, you should first introduce yourself, your team, and any similar work you've done. Then, you need to tell them in detail what you're going to make. Sketches, samples, and prototypes help a lot with that. It would be best if you also lay out a clear, specific timeline for what backers can expect.

Re: Utilize your personal and business network for Kickstarter launch

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:53 am
by sawinos
thanks a lot