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Formula Behind a $151,033 Raise on Indiegogo | igloohome

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:39 am
by Cristina
Should you launch on Indiegogo or Kickstarter?

I know I talk a lot about Kickstarter on my podcast, but Indiegogo is also an incredibly powerful fundraising platform.

Not only can you get super-backers to support your project, but you can also be featured in the newsletter and even use the InDemand program to continue to raise funds.

Today I spoke with the team behind the igloohome Smart Padlock. These guys raised $151,033 on Indiegogo and reveal the formula that led them to success.

This is a killer episode to start with if you’re thinking about using Indiegogo and want to learn more about the website.

Read the article here: ... igloohome/

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