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Crowdfunding & The Grommet

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:05 pm
by Artofthekickstart
What does it take for successfully crowdfunded projects from Kickstarter and Indiegogo to continue to find success? We spoke with Ryan DeChance, Discovery Director at The Grommet, to get his take.

Check it out here:

Key takeaways include:

[1:05] Ryan DeChance joins the podcast to talk about The Grommet.
[3:40] How did The Grommet end up partnering with Ace Hardware?
[6:00] What is the process of evaluating products for Ryan and his team?
[10:00] What role will crowdfunding play for The Grommet platform going forward?
[11:45] Ryan talks about what The Grommet looks for when considering partnerships.
[13:20] Tips for a successful crowdfunding campaign.
[15:20] Ryan enters the Launch Round; rapid-fire questions.
[19:30] Why you should check out The Grommet.