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Tips for Bringing a Travel Dress to Life on Kickstarter

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 7:36 pm
by Artofthekickstart
We recently interviewed the creator of the Kosan Travel Dress to hear her take on how she raised more than 6000% of her goal on Kickstarter!

Check it out here:

Key takeaways include:

-[1:05] Karyna McLaren joins the podcast to talk about The Kosan Go Travel Dress.
-[1:45] Karyna talks about launching her first crowdfunded product.
-[4:00] What led Karyna and her co-founder to crowdfund The Kosan Go Travel Dress?
-[6:00] The difference between their first crowdfunding campaign and the current one.
-[7:30] Pre-campaign efforts that led to early success.
-[10:00] Responding to backer feedback.
-[12:00] Karyna enters the Launch Round, rapid-fire questions.
-[14:00] Why you should check out The Kosan Go Travel Dress.