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Indiegogo Tips From Sheets & Giggles

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:08 pm
by Artofthekickstart
Learn more about how Sheets & Giggles raised $250,000 on Indiegogo in our interview with Colin McIntosh!

Key takeaways include:

[1:05] Colin McIntosh joins the podcast to talk about Sheets & Giggles.
[1:45] What led Colin to start Sheets & Giggles?
[3:00] Why make bedding out of eucalyptus?
[4:45] What was the process like to create eucalyptus bedding?
[6:20] Challenges faced along the way – why take the crowdfunding route?
[8:00] Colin talks about pre-campaign preparations.
[10:00] Why it’s helpful to create a brand identity map.
[12:10] Tips for garnering good press coverage and the most surprising aspect of crowdfunding.
[16:20] Colin enters the Fulfillment Round.
[19:10] Why you should check out Sheets & Giggles.

Check it out here: