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How the Light Phone 2 Raised $1.6 Million

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 8:58 pm
by Artofthekickstart
This week we interviewed the creators of The Light Phone 2 to find out how they raised more than $1.6 million through a crowdfunding campaign.

Check it out here!

Key takeaways include:

[1:04] Joe Hollier joins the podcast to talk about his product, the Light Phone 2.
[5:30] What was the process of developing the first Light Phone?
[8:30] Why did Joe and his partner decide to go the crowdfunding route?
[11:00] Making the switch from Kickstarter to IndieGoGo.
[12:30] How connecting with the press has helped fan the flames.
[13:30] Advice for future crowdfunders and surprises faced along the way.
[15:00] Connecting with backers and incorporating their feedback.
[16:00] Delivering on promises.
[17:30] Plans for future projects.
[18:30] Joe enters the Launch Round.
[20:30] Why you should check out the Light Phone.

Let us know what you think!