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What Does The Future Of Crowdfunding Look Like?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 3:20 am
by sunsj
A lot of money has been raised thanks to the power of Crowdfunding . Products that might have never seen a public release without it have come to be. Devices like theOculus Riftare now in our hands because potential buyers spoke with their wallets and backed the projects. You could definitely say that it has changed the course of the business world as we know it. But where will crowdfunding go next? How will it change in the future? Check out the infographic below for an interesting look at where it might go from here.


Re: What Does The Future Of Crowdfunding Look Like?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:44 pm
by TSIGames
Crowdfunding is helping an amazing number of projects launch that simply wouldn't happen any other way. Although there's been a lot of doom and gloom that it is cooling (especially for games) based on reports like this: ... in-decline

I would what other people think. Personally, I think it also depends on the types of projects asking for money. There's a lot of factors like timing...