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Blue Mountain State: The Movie Backers Getting Aggravated

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:04 am
by sbriggman
Seems like the backers of this project are getting pretty angry.

"Seriously where the hell is my shit? It's taking forever with hardly any updates"

"This is getting aggravating....whats the point of paying for something if we aren't going to get it? I'm a college kid who was just trying to help out a little and get a t shirt (like college kids love)...and now I'm gonna be wearing a tank top I ordered for summer in the winter? At this rate I just want my money back."

"It's not that I'm impatient about not getting our stuff on estimate, but I expect them to at least give us some updates on why they are later. People are a lot more understanding when they aren't kept in the dark. Hopefully we will receive our goods fairly soon, or at least an update!"

See: ... e/comments

Other backers are more understanding of the delay

People, chill out. It's only been a month past the ESTIMATED delivery date. For those of you who don't know, it's actually uncommon for people to receive their stuff by the estimated date. I've been waiting for a card game. A simple card game. for over 4 months now. Which, by the way had a lot less support. A LOT of people backed this, and mass volume production takes time. However, I do agree that an update is over due.

Lesson: Even if you are late on delivering your rewards, it's important to communicate why and to continue to update your backers.

Re: Blue Mountain State: The Movie Backers Getting Aggravate

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:24 am
by nixiart
This is something to remember for sure. It's not cool to have angry backers, it sullies the whole experience for everyone.

Re: Blue Mountain State: The Movie Backers Getting Aggravate

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:53 am
by dylanmad
This is why I put my estimate farther into the future than I actually expect is necessary. Better to overestimate that and say "Oh look I have this ahead of schedule", than to be swamped with messages asking where the paperback is. And if it's delayed further, communication is key. Silence sets off the scam alarm in backers' minds, certainly.

Re: Blue Mountain State: The Movie Backers Getting Aggravate

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:06 pm
by Inventalator
Annoying to run late but people have to understand its pretty tough to estimate those dates, especially when you get waaay more support than expected. The lack of updates is unexcusable though.

Re: Blue Mountain State: The Movie Backers Getting Aggravate

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:05 pm
by flashww
can't wait for the movie loved the series can't wait for more

Re: Blue Mountain State: The Movie Backers Getting Aggravate

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:29 pm
by prismland1
I just don't understand why this type of thing even happens. Obviously delays are expected and understandable but why is it so difficult to keep people informed? That's crowdfunding PR 101...and this is a professional project.

Edit: Looks like they did a Backers Only update 2 days ago