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Ping Wallet Collects $59,000 On Kickstarter, Disappears

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:23 pm
by sbriggman

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"Until earlier this week, the company was still accepting pre-orders for their imaginary wallets. Yet the last time anyone logged into the Kickstarter account that raised $59,000 was almost two months ago, on July 10. The preorder page has since been shut down, though it’s not clear whether Linkwallet or the sales platform they used, Celery, ended the presale.

Celery officially declined to comment to Consumerist about this mess, but they don’t appear to have any connection to Linkwallet except as an online order-taking platform. Backers on the Kickstarter comment page say that they did contact Celery, concerned that Linkwallet was still accepting pre-orders without shipping the Kickstarter orders that had been paid for back in 2013. They reported back to the comments page, saying that company representatives told them Linkwallet’s account was shut down after the supposed wallet-makers wouldn’t respond to any messages from Celery.

Linkwallet also didn’t respond to Better Business Bureau complaints filed against the company by upset, wallet-less backers. Consumerist e-mailed the company and called the phone number on file, which had been disconnected.
What’s a consumer to do? Some backers are teaming up to file a lawsuit against the Miami-based company. Perhaps they could contact the Florida state attorney general to begin a lawsuit similar to the one that the Washington state attorney general filed against the creator of a game that raised $25,000 on the site."


Apparently the management of Linkwallet have re-appeared and say the wallets will be in backers’ pockets by the end of 2014. Thoughts?

Re: Ping Wallet Collects $59,000 On Kickstarter, Disappears

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:58 pm
by anandramdeo
Stories like this are bad for the industry.. for reward based crowdfunding campaigns, where due diligence is not much, it's a tricky situation. If platforms introduce more checks, it may discourage genuine projects from posting.

What about a public register of people associated with the projects and information on their reputation? Does something like this exist?

Sorry I am new in the crowdfunding game. My experience is limited to (currently) raising funds for my venture Planned Departure

Re: Ping Wallet Collects $59,000 On Kickstarter, Disappears

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:49 am
by GangstaDog
What goes around comes around, whoever stole that amount of money, Should take full responsibility and make sure people get what you promised,