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Kickstarter Project Encourages Girls to Embrace their Bodies

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:39 am
by therriaultk
An Australian mom has started a project on Kickstarter to help women and girls (her own included) learn what it took her years to do - love her body. The campaign has passed its $200,000 goal by over $50K with 36 days left to go and has garnered the attention of celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher, Rosie O'Donnell, and Zooey Deschanel.

Brumfitt wants to fight what she calls "excessive photoshopping, the sexualisation of women in the media and advertising campaigns that prey on women's insecurities," all of which serve to create a culture of loathing and body shaming across the world. Brumfitt is the Founder of Body Image Movement, which "teaches women the value and power of loving their body from the inside out." Taryn is teaming up with Hugh Fenton, owner and director of Enlightening Films to produce the documentary.

Watching the Kickstarter video for this project with a bunch of women talking about how they feel disgusting really makes the point that this is a widespread issue that is overlooked and probably avoidable if we actually were to decide to do things differently. The documentary will also contain interviews with a diverse set of inspirational women, and I think that it is something worth checking out.

What do you think of this project?


Re: Kickstarter Project Encourages Girls to Embrace their Bo

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:59 pm
by sbriggman
Wow - they sure raised a lot. Kudos to them.