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Kickstarter's smARtDUINO project

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:34 am
by VaporStarter
The $157,571 project with ~Jan. '13 delivery date having issues: ... s-manufact

Slashdot post: ... -unfolding

One thing I've noticed consistently about projects heading toward trouble... the updates (if any) start flowing "For backers only."

Re: Kickstarter's smARtDUINO project

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:36 am
by KickSucker2013
It is disappointing no one has posted on this yet... after months of research and banging my drum, looks like the cavalry is on the way - This guy never should have tried to scam a Goonie.

Heads up, ALL BACKERS - Please Read and Respond

Fraud Investigation for Forbes
I am a Forbes contributor ( named Devin Thorpe. I write about social entrepreneurship and crowdfunding. Recently, a reader suggested that Dimitri Albino has perpetrated fraud using Kickstarter with the campaign entitled "smARtDUINO: Open System by former ARDUINO's manufacturer.