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Sun Standard

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:41 pm
by Neesonnguyen
At Sun Standard we love helping customers and we show it through your savings. With more than 25 years of combined solar experience in the field, we know our industry like the back of our hands. There’s no challenge too big or too small, and we dedicate our utmost energy to every project we take on. Every customer is unique. That’s why we customize every system to fit your exact energy needs. Whether it’s a small or a large install, we give it our all. We sit down with you, listen to your requests, and prepare a custom option that fits your needs.

Re: Sun Standard

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:03 pm
by serenity007
My husband and I are repairing the roof of our house and just want to install this type of roof. Do you have a roof like this installed? Can you tell me its disadvantages and how it is ventilated? We were advised to install solar panels from because this alternative is 10-30 times more powerful than regular roof whirlybirds. They work to remove hot air from roof voids, effectively ventilating the room or space below. In any case, I will be happy to receive any advice and suggestions from you. Thanks in advance!

Re: Sun Standard

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:23 am
by ECarr1991
Additionally, the main reason why these systems can save the homeowner some costs in energy is mostly because of net-metering subsidy programs that allow the homeowner to directly sell their power to the grid at the same rate as they buy it, to a break-even point. This in actuality is wholly unfair for the power producers because they are responsible for maintaining the distribution network and electrical load and so need to sell the power that they purchase at a higher price than they buy it.