Mind Wack Productions presents: 'Tekka'
  • mindwack
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    Mind Wack Productions presents: 'Tekka'

    by mindwack » Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:42 pm


    Hi, everyone! We are a small start-up called Mind Wack Productions, and we would like to share with you our amazing new project currently codenamed 'Tekka.' Please take a few moments to check out our Kickstarter page, which is filled to the brim with examples, explanations, and rewards! If you like our project, please consider adding your support. Even $1 is a step toward bringing this project to life!


    We have begun the concept phase of a monumental project that will encompass animation, novels, games, action figures and collectibles, clothing and accessories, and much more. We are deep in the process of creating a new Sci-Fi/Fantasy Universe full of epic locations, battles, demons, deep characters, comedy, action, adventure; the list goes on and on!

    Here are some concepts and initial animation cells to give you all an idea of the direction we are headed:


    You can check us out on facebook (facebook.com/mind.wack) or on twitter (@MindWackProduct)

    Thank you all for your time and support!

    Scott Lindsey
    Mind Wack Partner and 'Tekka' CoCreator
    Last edited by mindwack on Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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    Re: Mind Wack Productions presents: 'Tekka'

    by sbriggman » Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:32 pm

    I got a 404 on the link for the project. Great drawings! How has the campaign been going?
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • mindwack
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    Re: Mind Wack Productions presents: 'Tekka'

    by mindwack » Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:39 am

    Thank you for letting me know about the link!

    We are still working hard to spread the word. We just finished our flyers and business cards, we are reaching out to local media, and also the blogs and forums as we find them. So far we have 3 backers and are building steam as our first week closes out.

    As for 'Tekka'; work never ceases. At any given moment, day and night, you can be sure that at least one Mind Wack partner is passionately developing some aspect of the project. As I am writing this reply, I am coding a very small playable demo level of our first game, (I can't say much about it quite yet, but it is a unique combination of shooter, puzzle, and platformer that we already have fun playing ourselves.) and Chris, our Lead Artist and Animator, is finishing up a few of the skins we will use as sprites.

    Thanks again for pointing out the link. If you have any more questions or comments, or even critiques, don't hesitate ! Every opinion is very important to our whole team, and with enough feedback and/or support, we can make this go the distance.

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