Hello, I am Antonio Sanchez from Derosian Studios
  • Antonio Sanchez
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    Hello, I am Antonio Sanchez from Derosian Studios

    by Antonio Sanchez » Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:14 am

    My name is Antonio Sanchez my company is Derosian Studios. I've current been working on this project myself. I've been working on a video game inspired by Metal Slug with a Paper Mario look. My current build is for the PC and Mac and I plan on moving it Linux as well. :)


    As this is My first KickStarter campaign I find the hardest thing is just promoting it :P

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    Re: Hello, I am Antonio Sanchez from Derosian Studios

    by VaporStarter » Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:40 am

    Antonio Sanchez wrote:As this is My first KickStarter campaign I find the hardest thing is just promoting it :P

    Hi Antonio.. I know you didn't ask for feedback, but I can't help myself :)

    Great video, but I would make some changes. Minute and half of game-play is just a bit too much right off the bat before introducing yourself and having no voice-over. I'd give 30 seconds of game-play, then play your "Hello" segment, cutting right after you say "action cat" (there is a cut there anyway) and then I'd play more game-play footage, then cut back to you. What this does is give people just enough to want more, and then introduces you quickly. You're photogenic and charming, so getting you on screen earlier, rather than later, is probably a good idea. Then maybe I'd end the video with remaining game-play footage for the die-hards.

    Also, some audio issues.. intro sound is just a bit too high, and on segments where you are talking the left audio channel drops out, which is disconcerting for people like me who use headphones for audio.

    Your goal amount is incredibly low, which is a good thing for you as unknown software game projects tend to be hard to get funded without tons of promotion work. But 1k is a very low amount and I'd expect you to be able to hit it with such a fun and well produced title as you have.

    Now, for what you actually asked for... how to promote. Start with all your friends and get them to really work the social networks for you. Send a personal message to each backer you receive thanking them and asking them to help you spread the word. Contact every indie game blog & reviewer you can find and communicate with them earnestly. Stay 100% on top of all communication with every person you make contact with.

    Hope that helps!
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  • Antonio Sanchez
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    Re: Hello, I am Antonio Sanchez from Derosian Studios

    by Antonio Sanchez » Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:59 am

    Thanks man, helps alot :)
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    Re: Hello, I am Antonio Sanchez from Derosian Studios

    by sbriggman » Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:08 pm

    Hey Antonio. What kind of reception have you been getting from the campaign? Do you think you will meet your fundraising goal? Kudos for participating in Kick it Forward.
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
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