• josegaray
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    TECH TRUMPS HATE - New KS out!

    by josegaray » Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:15 pm

    Hey guys,

    My name is Jose Garay and along with my team I'm launching Jovid today on Kickstarter:

    We believe workplace diversity is one of the biggest problems of our society, and we want to help fix it by tackling the moment it starts: BIAS IN THE HIRING PROCESS. Our job searching app replaces the old resume photo (cause of most of the unintentional discrimination throughout the recruiting process) with a live 30 second video of each candidate explaining why she/he is the best fit for the job. Candidates can show much more than a picture: personality, energy, character... They can show who they truly are!

    Please check out our project and give us some feedback! If you like it, please support us in this noble cause.

    Tough times are coming. But they won't stop us!


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