Hello guys.
We are an indie-developer team of flaPnet. The team of young promising project, which even if not revolutionize the world of information technology, but at least brings something new and extraordinary. Our social network app is an elegant combination of familiar to many users such internet tools as Google Maps, messengers and Foursquare. We are not only trying to make communication easier between users but also want improve the lifestyle of people who do not sit at home, people who are on journeys or business trips, or just strolling through the native city. Another great plus is that flaPnet going to make closest connection in history between offline business and online users when acquaintance, a call to action and direct relationship, are at a distance of one small tap.
We have some plans. And if we're not going to make a revolution on flaPnet's release date, we will do it for sure in 2017. In 2017 we will bring to a new level human relations in the Internet and a new version isn't just a version 1.1, it is version 2.0. This global innovation will change the fundamental idea of the many areas of human activity. With this revolutionary contribution to the social relationships of the people, to the economy and infrastructure, the flaPnet will be indispensable as the mobile phone in our days. Unfortunately, we can't tell you exactly how it happens, as it is a confidential information, but you already know when and you know who will be behind this.
But we need help. Because of lack of experience we need to "patch holes" in our marketing, social media, PR and media outreach for our campaign. We have created a lot of content: texts, videos, pictures and we keep creating it.
Can you guys please give us advice, where we can find agency to help us with our issues on commission based cooperation? We are getting offers from bloggers and some of them are happy to help us, but we feel that this is not enough. We have "dead" facebook page and slowly growing twitter. We will never forget any help and we will reward you with our premium (business) accounts.
flapnet.com - our official site (we are running promo now for subscribers (on the main page))
and if you are interested in our project, please contact me via PM or ask questions by replying to this post or subscribe here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/flap ... oming_soon.
Thank you guys in advance.