Riverside Lane by Ginger Black
  • Tessa
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    Riverside Lane by Ginger Black

    by Tessa » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:31 pm

    Hiya - I am new to this forum and came on to support my friend who is Kickstarting her novel, Riverside Lane, but now that I've had a poke around I am truly inspired to have a go myself! I am a musician and have never quite taken the leap but you guys make me believe anything is possible!!

    But before I do that my friend needs to get her project funded! She is 82% of the way there! Lowest pledge is £10 for a paperback and she has had incredible support from her local community but it seems to be fizzling out. My challenge I have set myself is to try and sell another 80 of her books to get her to her goal. Foolish? Maybe, but how hard can it be??

    Anyway, that's me - I may come back as a musician in my next posts but for today and I my GingerBlacks "agent" and asking you to pledge/like/forward this post to help her reach her goal!

    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/84 ... =discovery

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