Finding manufacturing resources?
  • sachin
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    Finding manufacturing resources?

    by sachin » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:39 pm

    We just ran an unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign and I believe its because we've made a few mistakes on our end. I believe that one of our biggest mistakes was asking for $150k for a 5,000 production run for one LooLedge design. My boss got this number from one of his trusted resources.

    Our design is essentially a zinc casting, so it shouldn't be too expensive to produce. I'm just wondering where I could find someone who could produce our design for a cheaper price?

    Check out our LooLedge Kickstarter campaign!
  • xnstandy
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    Re: Finding manufacturing resources?

    by xnstandy » Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:03 am

    Can you give us more details so that we can help you. You can list your requirement of material, package, standard and so on. Then other can help you well if they know. I checked your project, it look nice.
    order fulfillment
  • lw86
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    Re: Finding manufacturing resources?

    by lw86 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:33 am

    You can find many suppliers on
    How will you know who is reliable?

    You need a factory specialized in jewelry.
    Feel free to contact them for your needs.
  • willz
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    Re: Finding manufacturing resources?

    by willz » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:19 am

    Maybe you should go to Shenzhen. ;)
  • drcontempo
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    Re: Finding manufacturing resources?

    by drcontempo » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:02 am

    Try looking at, or makers row. Makers row is geared towards textiles and wood products, but they may have industrial processes. You can also check a directory listing at Design 2 part, its a manufacturing convention in Santa Clara, CA, and I've gone a couple times.

    As someone who does industrial machining for my own prototypes, I'm in the same boat, and I just used a local machine shop for precision work. I am also looking at manufacturers in China and Thailand, as I have aa connection in Thailand, but not China.

    I will most likely do things locally, to avoid risk, and quality control, and if my product does well, and demand/volume goes up, then I will look to mass manufacture in Asia.

    Hope this helps, good luck!
    Derek R
    Product designer | Entrepreneur
  • LalaEquine
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    Re: Finding manufacturing resources?

    by LalaEquine » Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:56 pm

    Just curious why you are looking at overseas options rather than local? Is is because of your intended market volume?

    Personally I would start checking through word of mouth in the local manufacturing community. Google is your friend, AliBaba is simply a search engine and almost unfailingly returns companies in Asia.

    Good luck!


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