Environmental documentary in Amazon forest, 1 week to go!
  • IndigAmazonDoc
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    Environmental documentary in Amazon forest, 1 week to go!

    by IndigAmazonDoc » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:04 pm

    Our film is an environmental and social documentary called-'Re-imagining Progress: Voices from the Ecuadorian Amazon'.

    The campaign started around 3 weeks ago and is just entering its final week at the moment. The problem for us is there is still £2,200 to raise of a raise of a £3,800 target. We have recieved a lot of support and quite a wide array of backers from our own personal networks but very limited giving from outside. I don't know whether anyone else has had experience of that with documentary films on Kickstarter? But it has been pretty annoying.

    We are lacking a video as had no footage of the community we will be making the film with in Ecuador at the point the kickstarter went live. This was just the way it was but definitely tried to compensate with a well-laid out and informative page with nice high-res. images in there as well.

    Link to the kickstarter page- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/14 ... uadorian-a

    The film will focus on indigenous rights in Ecuador and, more broadly, the ways people are trying to protect the Amazon forest and people who live there across the region. It therefore is pretty relevant to the current debates around Climate Change and other issues.

    But yeah definitely a lot of stress and right now relying on a big last week to get us past our target. Be great if any of those who thinks it looks like your kind of project could share it and also happy to hear any of you who have had a similar thing or ideas on what to do in the last week of a project with a lot of funding to raise.


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    Re: Environmental documentary in Amazon forest, 1 week to go

    by Cristina » Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:14 am

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