My dream is to be a famous game designer. Not just someone who makes games for money. I want to earn money from it why not. But I want to create quality games that people like.
Awesome! Games have the power to change lives and really become a piece of the fabric of our culture. I used to play age of empires a lot on PC and, believe it or not, met one my teammates that works with me through gaming sites when we were younger. That's what's cool about great games. They form a community.
I also used to be a huge Halo, 007, xbox gamer. Some of my best memories as a kid were having everyone over to have a massive game of the original Halo.
My dream is to help make people aware of their individuality , if anyones interested in that aswell thats my movement for my future campaign
I think individuality is different from culture to culture. In the west, we put a lot of emphasis on it. In the east, from what I've read, it's more of a group dynamic. But, at the same time, in corporate america, it almost feels like people are de-individualized. They're taught not to showcase our personality as much.
Would be curious to see where you go with this mission. Start a blog!

Or a podcast.
Travel the world (currently living in Brazil) and I have been to 9 countries
Become a published and well known author
Become a diplomat - long term, be an ambassador? That would be super cool!
Plus I have some business ideas that I want to get started.
What's your business idea? It would be super cool to be a well-known author. That's might also be something that I try to do in my future, just because I love sharing information! I don't have enough tact to be a good diplomat, though with my podcast and the public speaking I've done in the last few years, I've learned that I love talking to groups.
When I was a kid (age 10) I wanted to create video games for a living. I have created many video games for other people. Mostly Sports Games... Which is not what I had in mind. Maybe I should have been more specific when I was a kid.
You should connect with MikeDelgado!
For my dream I have always wanted to own my own business. Truly since I was very young I have always been trying to find my way to achieve that dream; but I understand now that I have had some life experience out there in the world that it's not just about owning a business. At this stage in my life it is about achieving so much more that just that.
I read the rest of your post on the values that you want to instill in your company, and that you believe in as an entrepreneur. Very cool!
I personally have learned a lot from the lifestyle business movement, which is about not just making a great business or product that people love, but also creating a great life.
For those that are reading, if all you're doing is making money, then you're setting yourself up for unfilled "success," and longterm failure. I've made this mistake with my first few companies where I poured hours and hours into projects that I didn't fully believe in. I just thought it was "sexy" to do a startup or to be an entrepreneur.
Boy, have I changed my views on that over the years. I have a lot of the same values and core principles that you've mentioned. The only thing that I'd add is that I want to do things at scale. I enjoy helping people one-on-one, but what gets me super excited is when I can create one thing, like an ebook, or a forum like this, that helps thousands of people.
My dream would definitely be to work full time in the film industry! I'm currently freelancing with projects around the area, but it's really hard to find any stable and long term work really. I honestly think it's amazing to be able to work in your passion, and be paid for it as well! So that's definitely my dream.
I think that more and more, non-traditional platforms and mediums are the best way to break into established industries, like the film industry.
Think of how many Vine, youtube, and, probably soon enough, snapchat stars there are out there. The way in which talent is discovered is rapidly changing. I'm not an expert in this area, but I feel like many actors are incorporated into films simply because of financial reasons. The actors will promote the film to their audience, boost ticket sales, etc. Not necessarily because of creative reasons.
Sometimes I wonder if artists really want to collaborate with Justin Beiber on an album, or that they know that the more celebrities that they incorporate into the album, the more free promotion they'll get and they'll access fanbases they didn't previously have access to.
That's a long way of saying it's more important than ever to start building your audience from scratch with independent content, whether that's youtube videos, podcasts, blogging, or live broadcasts (how iJustine, who is a youtuber, increased her fame).
Kickstarter is an awesome way to do that!