5 Insights Into How to Succeed On Kickstarter From A Two-Tim
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    5 Insights Into How to Succeed On Kickstarter From A Two-Tim

    by sbriggman » Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:38 pm

    Joe Martino has run two successful Kickstarter campaigns, one of which is still going on, with 22 days to go. His first campaign, The Mighty Titan, raised $12,000+ over the course of 40 days and his second project, The Mighty Titan 2 has raised $3,898 with a $2,250 fundraising goal. In addition to successfully raising money for his comic ventures, he has backed a total of 59 projects and is active in the Kickstarter community.

    Joe took some time away from his current campaign to answer a few questions regarding his strategy and marketing plans for Kickstarter. You can see the results below:

    1. How do you think The Mighty Titan #2 varied from your last project, The Mighty Titan?

    My first campaign built up very slowly. I worked like a dog for 23 hours a day. Building a Twitter following, watching the numbers go up and down. I learned a ton in the first campaign that I tried to work into this campaign. From when to end a campaign and how to lead up to it. I learned what to offer and what didn’t work the first time out. I am still learning things daily.

    2. A common problem campaign owners struggle with is finding their target audience. How have you managed to accomplish this?

    Well, I had a lot of comic friends before I started, so that helped. Building relationships with people who have similar goals also helps. And it doesn’t hurt to back a few projects to show that you are a part of the community and that you are not just looking to make a quick buck and bail. Crowdfunding = Community and people have long memories. Also, remember whatver you are doing someone has done before and they probably did it better than you. Look at what they did. Learn from it. And when it works for you, thank them.

    Read More:

    http://www.crowdcrux.com/5-insights-int ... owdfunder/

    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
    Submit a free press release for your Kickstarter campaign here.
  • kochii02
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    Re: 5 Insights Into How to Succeed On Kickstarter From A Two

    by kochii02 » Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:19 pm

    That's another awesome creation. Thanks a lot.
    Raise your voice for Africa: http://kck.st/13tEELm

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