LexShares Launches Platform for Crowdfunding U.S. Lawsuits
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    LexShares Launches Platform for Crowdfunding U.S. Lawsuits

    by therriaultk » Thu Nov 20, 2014 5:59 pm

    On November 19 2014, New York based company LexShares launched a new crowdfunding service that lets accredited investors fund U.S. litigations for a minimum stake of $2,500. This platform is looking to shake up the $200 billion dollar U.S. litigation market, one that is “currently undercapitalized, which allows investors to be highly selective with investment opportunities,” as their website points out.

    Check out the link below for the full post on CrowdfundingPR!
    http://www.crowdfundingpr.org/lexshares ... -lawsuits/

    Community Manager - CrowdCrux.com

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