Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.
  • KFH
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    Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by KFH » Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:10 pm

    Today on my facebook timeline, I saw a cereal cafe which is soon to be opening in London,shoreditch. For those who are not from the UK, Shoreditch is the hub of startups and all creative things!

    These two guys were sadly not successful on their crowdfunding campaign but have managed to get realised by reputable newpapers and blogs!

    They express that even though they didnt reach their target their exposure from it was most beneficial.
    It looks like it will be a great tourist attraction.

    There could have been many factors as to why they didnt reach their goal and perhaps with their new exposure they should give crowdfunding another go.

    They probably got a startup loan which is a good sign as someone thinks it will be profitable.

    I just wanted to share this with you all. I think if there is a genuine market and you have done your research that should be a good start.

    Check it out
    http://dalstonist.co.uk/uks-first-cerea ... horeditch/

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    Re: Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by DanaME » Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:53 pm

    I think this is some really encouraging news! The single biggest fear of anyone launching a crowdfunding campaign is that they won't get funded. But for anyone who seriously starts a project will need to spend considerable time getting the word out and creating some buzz by marketing. It is great to see even though they couldn't get the funds that someone out there believed in what they are doing and it could be profitable. Good for them and something to keep in mind for anyone doing a crowdfunding project.
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    Re: Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by JenSTI » Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:51 am

    I have total respect and admiration for anyone that follows their dreams. I wish them the best of luck and hope this gives others the encouragement to not give up. Sometimes it takes severe determination, sacrifice and exhaustion to accomplish your goals but the key is to never give up ;)
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.
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    Re: Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by KFH » Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:50 pm

    Yes I have walked past their proposed last week. The shop is still boarded up but I will definitely keep you all updated!
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    Re: Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by TheSantaCruzDog » Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:41 am

    Yes, any publicity is good publicity. Angel investors are another option for people like us, well not me. i have horrible credit and am struggling with 4 children and rent, but none the less. It's good to hear dreams still come true. Cheers to them for sure.
    I have started a new KickStarter project and haven't launched yet. Feedback is appreciated for this pre-launch! FML http://goo.gl/B1acrB.
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    Re: Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by KFH » Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:50 pm

    I dont know what it is like in the US but credit rating isnt too much of an issue when you have a idea that is profitable.
    There are startup business enterprises everywhere over in the UK!
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    Re: Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by therriaultk » Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:15 pm

    This is cool, thanks for sharing :)
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    Re: Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by kreefax » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:43 pm

    Cool story! Also a very cool business idea — I wish there were something like that here in Winnipeg.
    Thanks for sharing!
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    Re: Cereal Cafe 2% backed. They're opening anyway.

    by ExplodingDesk » Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:31 pm

    I'm definitely wishing the best for them. One thing to consider though- If nobody will fund your Kickstarter, will people be willing to pay for your product later? I don't know the answer to this, but it is something I think about a lot for my own campaign. I have a relatively low goal. If I don't fund, that might mean that my product isn't something others want.
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