Our campaign has stalled! Need Help! Tips!
  • meworksco
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    Our campaign has stalled! Need Help! Tips!

    by meworksco » Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:42 pm


    We launched our campaign on 16th October. We manage to raise 689$ of our $40k goal from friends mostly and only two strangers. After 3 days the campaign kept sinking down the list and it has stalled.

    We are doing everything including regular updates and keeping it dynamic.

    We had not generated pre campaign buzz and had not educated our friends regarding how crowdfunding works and hence did not receive the initial pledges that we should from family and friends.

    We did a head talker campaign to make it go viral. We reached our supporters count but it didnt help much.

    Now we have hired a PR agency to do press release and shoot it among Media. They are doing that.

    We have got steady visits per day around 100. Currently we are at 3500 visits total. Is this too low?

    What do we do. Can someone have a look at our campaign and give us honest feedback on where we must be going wrong?

    Is it the product? Is it our pitch? Or is it that we have not generated enough traction?

    PLEASE help us and advice us on what we can do now.

    www.getarco.com is our forwarding link to our indiegogo campaign.

  • JenSTI
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    Re: Our campaign has stalled! Need Help! Tips!

    by JenSTI » Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:55 pm

    From what I have read, getting placed on the first page of indiegogo campaigns is the best way to be funded. I search for individuals to share/like on facebook, tweet and retweet on Twitter. I have been thinking of participating in some of the offers to donate and in return receive a donation (though I have not done that). I looked at your product and I think it's fascinating! My teen son likes it, my preteen daughter loves it. I see how useful it is! Around my home we are always watching television, playing loud video games, listening to music, when I'm driving it is impossible to notice what the phone is doing as my car is a bit loud! I think you have a great product and I really think you need to relaunch if the full funding is not received. Great idea/product ;) !!
    The fund raiser I am campaigning for my friend! http://igg.me/at/internationalsmile/x/9009645
    The fund raising campaign for my automotive business! http://igg.me/p/999733/x/9009645

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