A new comic - Psychosis Issue 1
  • Psychosis
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    A new comic - Psychosis Issue 1

    by Psychosis » Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:59 am

    1350$ (45% of goal), 28 backers in just 6 days. We are now in the top 10 comics in Canada (On Kickstarter) and in the top 50 for what's popular in all comics! Which is huge for a group of local guys.
    Now we need your help more than ever. We still have 55% funding to go, and we want to hit the number 1 spot so Kickstarter will feature us to the world.
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/51 ... -the-comic
    Please pledge, share, like, and also COMMENT on the project with your thoughts. We are pushing hard, and with your help we will succeed!
    We would love it if people took time to comment on the project so we can answer questions.

  • Psychosis
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    Re: A new comic - Psychosis Issue 1

    by Psychosis » Thu Sep 11, 2014 5:07 am

    1368 now and 29 backers. Slowly rising BUT we are now working with another comic to cross promote in each-others countries!

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