'Drei' - An intense, dramatical debut short film! Must see!
  • Nathaniel Tomlinson
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    'Drei' - An intense, dramatical debut short film! Must see!

    by Nathaniel Tomlinson » Tue May 28, 2013 7:41 am

    Hey Kickstarter Forum,

    My name's Nathaniel and I've launched my short film on Kickstarter a few days ago. I've been making short films for the past couple of years but only see those purely as an exercise of practice. I've had a good response from them but when I look at the products of my labour, like most directors, I'm not happy!

    This short film however, is a different story all together. I have sat with the writer agonizing over every line, every set piece, every aspect of the three main characters until we came up with the screenplay we have today! We feel that this short film will be the one that truly shows the world what it is we can do when we put all the lessons we learn't into action.

    Please have a look at the Kickstarter page and give feedback on the project for me. This is all a learning experience and the more opinions I receive, the better I can tune my skills to entertain my audience.

    Thank you for your time.

    Nathaniel Tomlinson


  • jfesmire
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    Re: 'Drei' - An intense, dramatical debut short film! Must s

    by jfesmire » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:22 am

    Looks like a great story! The only thing I would have been different would have been to ask for more funding, as a film can cost a lot to create. I do see that you're not getting enough funding yet, and I feel for you. I wish I knew how to improve that. I'm struggling to get my project in front of potential backers as well.
  • Nathaniel Tomlinson
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    Re: 'Drei' - An intense, dramatical debut short film! Must s

    by Nathaniel Tomlinson » Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:11 pm

    Thanks for your response and kind words regarding the story. I understand your comment regarding the budget but as you saw it's been a hard task raising the 25% we have so far. Gaining traffic to a Kickstarter seems to be the hardest thing at this stage. It's a difficult job unless you have a lot of people following you already.
    Good luck with your project, I'll go through your posts and try to have a look. If I do come across any tips I'll definitely post them up for all to benefit.

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