Lead Generation? Do you use it and how do you find it?
  • Mark Bates LS
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    Lead Generation? Do you use it and how do you find it?

    by Mark Bates LS » Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:36 pm

    Hi, I'm the IT Manager for a B2B Lead Generation Company, and among my responsibilities is internet advertising. We have worked with a couple of Kickstarter companies in the past, calling and getting the product into stores, and are looking to move more into that market. So I was wondering if anyone here has used lead generation companies before, and if so, how did it go, and where did you find them?

    Lead Savvy LLC. Helping Kickstarter companies get their product out there. 503-477-6825
  • pris
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    Re: Lead Generation? Do you use it and how do you find it?

    by pris » Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:20 pm

    I am not sure if this apply but I have worked with sales reps and a pr company before. it was for a short period time but I didn't see much results.

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