Westerly Update #4 - Westerly . . . of the DEAD!
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    Westerly Update #4 - Westerly . . . of the DEAD!

    by AEGRabbit » Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:24 pm

    The Westerly Kickstarter just keeps puttin on steam! We had so much positive feedback that we had to open up ANOTHER set of wagon masters! Plus we've been puttin our nose to the grindstone and we've got some great expansion play features that we're rolling out!

    So come jump on the wagon, tell some friends, and we’ll all take a trip out, well . . .



    Westerly Highs and Lows 54 Card Expansion - This expansion contains encounters that increase both the difficulty of the game and the rewards along the way. Playing with these cards mixed in could mean certain death or a journey west like no other. You can also use these cards to adjust the difficulty of the game by adding just the highs or just the lows to make the base game easier or more difficult.
    (This expansion deck is included in the Wagon Master reward and can now be added on to the passenger pledge level for an additional $15)

    Trails and Tropes - (Wagon Master Exclusive)


    Steampunk Expansion - A set of encounters and characters with a steampunk theme

    Cthulhu Expansion - We built wall after wall of the finest spikey topped timber fortifications but we just couldn't stop him from bargin’ on in...Where did he find a hat big enough?

    Westerly of the Dead - These custom zombies are on the loose in the old west and they are powerful hungry.

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