Launching My POS Startup and Crowdfunding Campaign – Advice Welcome!
  • mdede
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    Launching My POS Startup and Crowdfunding Campaign – Advice Welcome!

    by mdede » Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:22 am

    Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well.

    My name is Dede Hidayat, from Indonesia, and I'm planning to launch a crowdfunding campaign for my startup project. I'm here to seek feedback and advice from those who have experience in this area.

    Regarding my project, my startup is a web and Android-based point of sale (POS) application. The application is fully developed and ready for sale, but I'm facing challenges with marketing costs. My startup is planning to make a big move and not just remain focused on POS services.

    As for rewards, I’m thinking of offering three types of rewards:

    $1 - $30: Access to a special dashboard panel where donors can view the total funds raised, see how the funds are allocated, and follow all the progress stories. This way, donors can witness the real-time journey of success (though nothing is guaranteed, I strongly believe in it).

    $31 - $200: As a thank you, I will provide the WhatsMail source code, which is a marketing tool that combines WhatsApp, email, AI, web builder, and SaaS features. I normally sell this tool on Codester, but this will be given as a reward. Additionally, donors in this range will still receive the rewards from the first tier.

    $201 and above: As a token of appreciation, I will provide the first and second-tier rewards, along with the source code for my POS system (non-SaaS version) from my startup.

    On the financial side, I’m aiming to raise $20,000 with the following breakdown for the startup's first-quarter operations:

    - $10,000 for sales team expenses (10 salespeople and 1 team leader)
    - $8,000 for core team salaries, including:
    - 2 Customer Support members
    - 2 Support Technicians
    - 1 UI/UX Designer
    - 1 Mobile Developer
    - 1 Frontend Developer

    $2,000 for marketing efforts.

    As the owner, I’ll be holding back my own earnings and focusing entirely on the project.

    I’ll share more details once I publish the campaign on Kickstarter. For now, I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions regarding my plan.

  • jassiet.ross
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    Re: Launching My POS Startup and Crowdfunding Campaign – Advice Welcome!

    by jassiet.ross » Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:38 am

    Congrats on getting your POS app to a fully developed stage—definitely a huge accomplishment! It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into the rewards for your crowdfunding campaign, especially with offering actual source code, which could attract some tech-savvy backers.

    Here are a few thoughts I had while reading your plan:

    Marketing Costs: I see you’ve allocated $2,000 for marketing, but that seems a bit low compared to your sales team expenses. Given that you're in a competitive space, it might be worth adjusting the budget to put more into marketing. A good initial marketing push can make a big difference in reaching your target audience.

    Rewards Structure: The rewards you're offering are pretty unique. I like that you’re giving backers real value, especially with the source codes. But for the higher tier, you may want to consider adding a more personal touch, like access to a founders' update call or an early adopter badge in the app, so they feel more involved.

    Sales Team Focus: I noticed a large portion of your budget is going towards the sales team, which is important. Just make sure they’re aligned with the marketing efforts so both parts of your strategy work together seamlessly.

    Storytelling: Since you’re going to have a special dashboard for backers to follow the progress, make sure the updates are engaging and transparent. Regularly show how their contributions are helping the project grow, which will build trust and possibly lead to more backers.

    I’d also suggest getting feedback from your target users early on, so you can tweak the product and campaign as needed. Overall, it looks like you’ve got a solid foundation. Best of luck with the campaign!

    Looking forward to seeing it on Kickstarter!

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