Looking for Job Opportunities
  • MarissaMcconnell
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    Looking for Job Opportunities

    by MarissaMcconnell » Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:43 pm

    Hi everyone, I’m in urgent need of a job and I’m looking for some advice or recommendations. I have a background in marketing with over five years of experience, but I’m open to exploring new fields as well. The job market has been tough lately, and I’m struggling to find suitable openings. If anyone knows of any companies that are hiring or has any tips on where to look, I would greatly appreciate your help. Networking events, online job portals, or even freelance opportunities – I’m open to all suggestions. Thank you so much in advance!

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    Re: Looking for Job Opportunities

    by SsCoobyDoO » Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:45 pm

    Hello! I understand how challenging the job market can be right now. Have you tried looking on platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, or Glassdoor? They often have a wide range of job listings that might match your skills. Also, consider reaching out to your network on social media; sometimes a personal connection can make all the difference. Additionally, don't forget about local job fairs and online webinars, which can provide valuable networking opportunities and job leads.
  • MarissaMcconnell
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    Re: Looking for Job Opportunities

    by MarissaMcconnell » Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:46 pm

    Thank you for the suggestions! I’ve been using LinkedIn and Indeed quite a bit, but I’ll definitely explore Glassdoor more. I hadn’t thought much about local job fairs or online webinars, so I’ll look into those as well. Do you have any specific tips for making my applications stand out or any advice on what employers are currently looking for in a marketing professional?
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    Re: Looking for Job Opportunities

    by SsCoobyDoO » Mon Jun 24, 2024 12:46 pm

    Absolutely! To make your application stand out, tailor your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for, highlighting relevant experience and skills. Use keywords from the job description to pass through applicant tracking systems. Employers in marketing are often looking for candidates with strong digital marketing skills, experience with social media campaigns, and knowledge of SEO/SEM strategies. Showcasing any results-driven achievements, like increased sales or successful campaigns, can also be very effective. Additionally, keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date and actively engaging with posts and groups related to your field can increase your visibility to potential employers. For more detailed projects or freelance work, you might find some opportunities through platforms like https://www.unbench.us/find-project. It's a great resource to connect with projects that match your expertise and interests. Good luck!

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