Campaign before Xmas?
  • Leggy Horse
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    Campaign before Xmas?

    by Leggy Horse » Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:08 am

    Hi everyone,

    My coworkers and I are in the process of putting together a Kickstarter project for our company's debut product - an innovative, multifunctional picture frame. I saw that there's another thread regarding projects and holidays, but I couldn't find any responses that were relevant to our situation. Hopefully this can help a few other people starting their own projects!

    Our initial plan was to launch a Kickstarter project ending before Christmas. That's still our current goal, but a few people have expressed doubts about the short time-span. Our current time-frame is December 6-20. However, our current base of support is very small. We're in the process of reaching out on Facebook and getting in contact with relevant bloggers and sites that could be interested in our product.

    We realize that our time is very short, and running a project without having a sizeable amount of support beforehand is risky. But at the same time, we're inclined to think that running a project during the holiday season would be more likely to attract support than one during a different time of the year.

    Does our current approach - using the momentum of the holiday season to attract support for our project - sound feasible? Or would we be better off waiting another several weeks to build up followers before starting?


  • evamoon
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    Re: Campaign before Xmas?

    by evamoon » Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:34 pm

    I'm inclined to agree with you about running a campaign over the holidays for some kinds of projects. I'm running mine currently and also plan to end the same date - 12/20. I was thinking any later than that and people are simply going to be too distracted by Christmas. As to the short time, I'd be nervous about it. A lot of people only get paid every two weeks. You could just miss a window of opportunity due to that. How badly do you want to ruin your holidays? I'm running my campaign for four weeks. I made a big push the first day and got the close friends and family aboard, but it's been much slower to get others to actually pledge. Slower than I expected given the amount of work I've done building social networks. What type of product is it? Is there something about it that you believe is especially relevant for Christmastime?

    Eva ... -genes-dvd

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