FIRST time Kickstart $71 raised of 1k goal!!!!! Family Radio Show on iHeartRadio
  • avrom
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    FIRST time Kickstart $71 raised of 1k goal!!!!! Family Radio Show on iHeartRadio

    by avrom » Sun Nov 14, 2021 6:45 am

    Hi everyone,
    First of all I hope that I am writing in the right area of the site. If not please move to the appropriate place.
    When we put out our Kickstart campaign someone donated a $1
    We then found out that they donate to everyone $1 but still it stared the momentum.
    Then we got a message someone donated $50 and another person $20.
    We have hardly advertised this with the exception of some posts on our Twitter page.

    About the story....

    We are the Honig family: Avrom, Leah, Simcha Shalom (3), and Zeevee (10.5 months). We’re quirky, artsy people; we love to read and we love to create. Right now we’re developing the "Sunday Morning with the Honigs", a family-friendly radio show that will discuss the feel-good, funny, and uplifting stories of the week on Sunday mornings, broadcasted over tea from our kitchen table.


    If you’re like us, you hear a lot of low-vibe news all week, even if you try to avoid it—the types of stories that end up on the front page of the newspaper because they capture attention and play off of people’s fears and shadows. Our goal is to do our small part to highlight the positivity, making ourselves and our listeners aware of the light-hearted things that happen in our world on a weekly basis: the types of things that often get pushed to the back page of the newspaper. We want to help you start off your day (and your week) on a positive note, and offer you a radio show that you can look forward to listening to with your whole family while you’re getting ready for your Sunday.

    Making it happen

    In order to make this a reality, we will need to pay for a radio slot. Back in the day, radio stations paid shows to be on the air; these days, it works the other way around, and the price tag is realistically more than little guys like ourselves can afford. By some twist of fate we have been offered a potential slot on iHeart Radio but, being a young family with kids with a mortgage to pay and a small business to run, we won’t realistically have the funds to pull this off without your support. We are being given a limited time to secure this slot. If we don’t take it, it will likely go to someone else who has more money than we do. In short, we need your help!

    Thank you for taking the time to read about this project. We are so new to this and many have told us that this should be funded pretty quickly but currently, we have no idea how to even go about getting the word out. Our financial advisor mentioned joining your group and I have to say really grateful for the posts on this platform. Makes us feel like we are not alone in navigating all of this.

    If anyone would like to support us that would be awesome though I understand you can't support everything on here. But again thank you for taking the time to look at our project and any feedback that you may have so we can reach our goal sooner than later. :D

    A radio show about the feel-good, funny, and family-friendly weekly news stories that you didn't know you were missing live from our kitchen table on iHeartRadio.

    Thank you for your support.

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