Ever wondered what the f@#% happened last night? WhatAppened
  • IngmarWhatAppened
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    Ever wondered what the f@#% happened last night? WhatAppened

    by IngmarWhatAppened » Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:15 pm

    WhatAppened is an app that will add a nice twist to your regular nights of partying with your buddies. It will give you short but entertaining missions throughout the night, yielding an awesome photo compilation, rewards, achievements and possibly even new friends.


    How does it work?
    WhatAppened will send you push-notifications containing enjoyable missions, all of which involve shooting a picture. The app will automatically gather all the photos and make an awesome compilation containing all your mission-snaps. Not bad, huh? Well, it gets even better when you team up with your mates. WhatAppened will collect all of the photos shot by you and your friends, making your aftermovie even more epic. The more friends you’ve got using WhatAppened, the better your compilation will be!

    WhatAppened will have a continuously growing set of missions due to the user-generated content. A large number of missions will be available for everyone when the app is launched. The large group of creative minds working on the app already designed numerous missions and will continue to do so when WhatAppened is ‘on air’. Missions like ‘Get serenated’ , ‘Drink like a T-rex’ and ‘take a picture with the most beautiful girl in the club’ will make sure you’ll shoot the most epic photos to be included in the compilation movie. Not adventurous enough for you? No problem, you can add your own missions to WhatAppened in the blink of an eye.

    Ever wondered who the real warlord of partying is among your friends? Or do you just want to bolster your womanizer-image? WhatAppened’s rewards and achievements will give you plenty of titles to (and not to..) brag about.

    My name is Ingmar Vroege (23) and i'm a dutch digital entrepreneur, I like skiing and playing basketball. Reach out if you want more information about our campaign.


  • IngmarWhatAppened
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    Re: Ever wondered what the f@#% happened last night? WhatApp

    by IngmarWhatAppened » Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:54 am

    My name is Ingmar Vroege and im one of the co-founders of this app. We want to make this project Happen so we need your help! please give us your feedback so we can make our campaign even better.

    Here is a sneak peak of our upcoming time schedule:

    This week:
    Apple Pie action, my co-founder Gertjan is turning 23 and we'll be organizing a pledge&share action in order to win a homemade apple pie.
    New main video, with an upcoming artist in the NL that shows WhatAppened!
    This weekend:
    Startup Weekend Utrecht.
    WhatAppened compilation of startup weekend releasing on IndieGoGo and Facebook
    4th of december we'll be launching our thunderclap campaign http://thunderclap.whatappened.nl for everyone that wants to help us but has no money.
    Last week
    Sponsor party in a local Venue
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    Re: Ever wondered what the f@#% happened last night? WhatApp

    by sbriggman » Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:48 pm

    Hi Ingmar. Welcome to the forum. I'm curious. What do you think of Thunderclap? Like it? Not? Find it to be useful?
    Learn how to succeed on Kickstarter: here.
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  • IngmarWhatAppened
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    Re: Ever wondered what the f@#% happened last night? WhatApp

    by IngmarWhatAppened » Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:07 pm

    Hello Salvador!

    We are currently doing really good as we are on the first page with a total reach of 194.000. I think its going to work out for us really wel. What do you think ?
  • IngmarWhatAppened
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    Re: Ever wondered what the f@#% happened last night? WhatApp

    by IngmarWhatAppened » Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:54 pm

    Hey guys we released our teaser !


    Would love to hear your feedback!

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