Survey Completion as Prerequisite for Merchandise Receipt
  • Mongoose
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    Survey Completion as Prerequisite for Merchandise Receipt

    by Mongoose » Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:22 pm


    I'm just a backer.

    Need to ask why survey completion is becoming or promulgated as a requirement for receipt of the product backed.

    The "Atmos: An all-rounded portable pump for daily life!" sent me an email which required me to complete the survey. If that's not enough, a subsequent email arrived requiring me to complete a pledgebox website survey. These emails show no indication of being sanctioned by Kickstarter.

    I queried the developer of the project and his reply was "We have invited you to finish the survey. " Kickstarter has my form of payment and address, and I cannot locate any of these subsequent requirements on the Kickstarter website; requirements to complete surveys or the (implied) product will not be shipped until I do.

    Atmos isn't the only one, several other inventors have required me to complete surveys for which the survey questions are not oriented toward address verification or anything useful.

    How can I convince product inventors that I do not wish to be forced to complete non-kickstarter website surveys in order to get the product shipped to me? Do these non-kickstarter websites have nefarious intentions?

    Thanks much.

    Hi, I'm just a lowly backer, and have no campaign website.
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    Re: Survey Completion as Prerequisite for Merchandise Receip

    by nomlinz » Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:12 pm

    The "" message you're getting is part of the Jellop service.

    Since Kickstarter makes it notoriously difficult for creators to get any information from their backers until after the campaign ends, marketing agencies have gone through a roundabout way to get that information in order to better find other people similar to current backers.

    This results in that message that you get on your Kickstarter dashboard.

    In the survey, they'll ask some questions and use the information to figure out:
    1. where you actually found out about the campaign so that they can hit that channel harder
    2. what you like/dislike about the product so that they can improve the page and marketing materials
    3. where you're based so that they can create more international or local (US) promotions
    4. who you are via your email address so that they can create more lookalike audiences on Facebook and also filter you out when they send email marketing

    Knowing these marketing agencies and how they work, there really is nothing nefarious behind what they're doing. It's really just a way to get more information to help creators find more people who might love their projects.

    Hope this helps!
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    Re: Survey Completion as Prerequisite for Merchandise Receip

    by Mongoose » Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:34 am

    Hi nomlinz,
    Many thanks for your reply.

    The notifications (to complete the survey) came to me via unexpected email.

    Wording of these email notifications include phrases like "in order to complete your order..."

    This implies that my order for the item will not be completed and therefore will not be shipped until I comply with the survey. So, I'm led to wonder what happened to my address on record with Kickstarter. But then the survey websites did not require me to restate my shipping address.

    If I ignore the survey, will the inventor delay/refuse to ship me the item? I don't know. I'm forced to pay attention to the wording of the 3rd party email.

    May I suggest that inventors state, up front, that a answering a survey will be either optional or required prior to shipment?

    Before I submit my pledge, I would like to know, from the inventor, every requirement I must do, I would like to know what emails to expect, from 3rd parties. I would especially like to know if compliance with 3rd party emails affects whether or not the product will be shipped to me.

    Inventor, be up front with me, and I'll gladly help you out by building a positive relationship between us. I need to know all your requirements before I can become your customer.
    Hi, I'm just a lowly backer, and have no campaign website.
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    Re: Survey Completion as Prerequisite for Merchandise Receip

    by nomlinz » Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:25 pm

    All great questions here!

    If I ignore the survey, will the inventor delay/refuse to ship me the item? I don't know. I'm forced to pay attention to the wording of the 3rd party email.

    Fortunately, that is not the case. Products will still ship to you despite you not filling out these questionnaires during the campaign. Again, it's really just for marketing purposes during the campaign. However, once a project does conclude (and if it's fully funded), the creator will send out an email to confirm your address and reward level. Here you'll have to confirm it so that items get shipped out to you correctly.

    May I suggest that inventors state, up front, that a answering a survey will be either optional or required prior to shipment?

    This is a great ask and should definitely be more prevalent in the community. Next time I get to work with Jellop I'll be sure to pass along this note to them!

    It's comments like this and dedicated backers like you that keep the integrity of the crowdfunding community strong so keep telling us all how we can do better for you!
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