Get your project looked at
  • Qpages
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    Get your project looked at

    by Qpages » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:27 pm

    I started my kickstarter, an American Football formation themed desinged game.
    But the action is sooo slow on kickstarter.

    What do you think is wrong?:

    A - you just don't get automatic views on kickstarter, you must use your own network (whitch we don't have)
    B - no one really likes american football anymore.
    C - the project really sucks. (please give us feedback if this is the case)

    I hope you would take the time to check this out at

    Thanx for your input and help!
    If you respond, i will take a good look at your project as well!

    Check out my project!
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    Re: Get your project looked at

    by hyperstarter » Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:38 pm

    Hi Martin, it might actually be C but I think it's a connection of A plus adapting your campaign to the right audience.

    Visiting your page, we see a bunch of cards on a green background - not very inspiring. Preferably your images would show a group of people playing the game, having fun and interacting.
    - These types of images work well as backers can imagine themselves in the photos instead.

    The rules look pretty complex. There's a mix of text and then images with text in doesn't work well together.

    Bullet points, clear headings, text in bold all helps. The images do have a photoshopped feel to them, so not sure if that would put any potential backers off.

    Best of luck, but at this stage it might be worthwhile restarting it and waiting until you've built up an audience first.
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