5 tips to know if your crowdfunding idea is worthwhile!
  • ineslebre
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    5 tips to know if your crowdfunding idea is worthwhile!

    by ineslebre » Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:15 pm

    Defining a good idea is hard – and I speak for myself when I say this. To understand which ideas deserve to see the light of day we need consideration, work and an XL dose of good luck. If there was a magic formula that we could use to understand if a product or service would succeed we wouldn’t have all the pearls someone gathered at the Museum of Failure (www.museumoffailure.se), coming from well-known brands. In a way, they’re comforting examples

    So, on what methods can we rely to validate the quality of an idea? On my research I found an answer: there’s no secret recipe. Nevertheless, I leave you some of the ways I’ve been putting to the test and that have helped me at this stage: see more here - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/where-go ... AAs-lebre/

    I am launching my kickstarter campaign next week. Check more here - https://www.facebook.com/Inlushoes/

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