Final Stretch - Suggestions
  • Mwilliams
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    Final Stretch - Suggestions

    by Mwilliams » Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:46 am

    Hey everyone! I'm new to the forum only having found out about it recently, I wish I has known about it 6 months ago....

    Anyways, I wanted to reach out and ask for some suggestions on out of the box ideas, different forums, different groups to reach out out, PR, etc. I'm down to my final 8 days in my campaign, at 67% funding. I work every day reaching out and setting up events to host, etc, but i'm hoping to pick everyone's brains for other ideas as we all think differently. I've found live events, such as beer fest and bars have been great for the campaign as I get to connect and meet with many people. People love the game when they get a chance to play it, but i'm having trouble finding more live events to do.

    So a little about what my campaign is, it's a super fun drinking board game called Don't Get Drunk, you can see the link here: Think Mario party meets candy land meets truth or dare meets beer. lol.

    Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions, I will continue to keep pushing and working as hard as I can to hit the funding goal.

    Don't Get Drunk was funded on Kickstarter and is available for preorder at CrowdOx --->
  • Mwilliams
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    Re: Final Stretch - Suggestions

    by Mwilliams » Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:01 pm

    Few things I've done since posting this in case others come to view this post weeks, months, or years from now.

    Have used Green Inbox to contact people I did not contact myself, super affordable and has already been worth the investment. Highly recommend for anyone during their campaigns.

    Also, have narrowed and really targeted my audience better through face book ad trial and errors. Have had a picture post up for 3 days with 3k organic views and 9k paid views. 87 shares and over 400 post clicks along with tons of likes and comments. Figuring out your Facebook ad audience through trial and error is essential to running successful ads.

    Best of luck to anyone running a Kickstarter campaign, am still happy to hear any suggestions. Less then 2 days left in the campaign, still time!
    Don't Get Drunk was funded on Kickstarter and is available for preorder at CrowdOx --->
  • Jdgare
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    Re: Final Stretch - Suggestions

    by Jdgare » Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:38 pm

    I wish you the best of luck on your Kickstarter!
  • Joecorc
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    Re: Final Stretch - Suggestions

    by Joecorc » Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:01 am

    I was ready to use green inbox to prepare for prelaunch, but it looks like they did away with the email blasts.
    They only focus on facebook ads now,.
    Whiskey Dick | The X Rated Adult Drinking Game ... nking-game
  • nedsfa
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    Re: Final Stretch - Suggestions

    by nedsfa » Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:20 pm

    You should try cross-promoting with other fellow campaign creators!

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