Halfway through launch - things gone a little static
  • apm-designs
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    Halfway through launch - things gone a little static

    by apm-designs » Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:45 am

    Hey Guys,

    Firstly, thank you for taking the time and having a look at this.

    We have launch our Kickstarter campaign and about halfway through. Things have gone a little static and not sure if it is normal for funding to go dry about halfway through.

    We are not sure if once our campaign gets closer to the end if Kickstarter will make it more visible to viewers.

    We are not sure if it is the way we have displayed our product that might be confusing users

    We are not the best at marketing and was wondering if anyone had some advice to get more traffic to our page? Personally I think getting bloggers to write about us is the best solution, but it is hard to get their attention.

    Anyone here now bloggers in the gaming world :)

    Any info would be much appreciated.....thank you in advanced and here is a HUGE HUG to you all

    Our KS Campaign: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/920 ... e-designer

  • chacham3
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    Re: Halfway through launch - things gone a little static

    by chacham3 » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:39 am

    I just took a look. I am even tempted to back it. My hesitation is, i did not understand what the difference between the levels of support. The levels explain what they are, but it simply did not click. Also, a chart at the bottom comparing the levels might help. I've seen that on other campaigns, and found it helpful to get a good overview of where i would want to be.

    The platforms supported for the tool is in a parenthetical comment under an image. That should be featured more prominently. Perhaps the first question i asked myself was: Will this run on my mac mini?

    The support levels are in pounds. I had to go to Google to find the US Dollar equivalent. If Americans don't know immediately how much it will cost them, i think they might not even bother to check the current exchange rate.

    Just some thoughts on how i feel after quickly looking.
  • apm-designs
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    Re: Halfway through launch - things gone a little static

    by apm-designs » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:05 am

    Dear Chacham3,

    Firstly, thank you very much for taking out the time to explain this to me. My colleague is in charge of the editing of the KS....the idea is that if too many people are changing things then the campaign will look a mess....So I will be sure to get back to him regarding you comments.......could you please expalin:

    1) When you say level of support, are you refering to the pledges...basically the little goodies you get depending on how much you pledge?

    2) Regarding if it runs on a mac mini....the game editor is accessed through any web browser...you create your games on this web browser by dragging and dropping your assets onto it and in turn the game you are creating will propagate in real time on your hand held device....does not matter if you have Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows.
    So in short this is a system that allows you to create games for smart phones, tabs, iPhone, iPads etc.....you can still however play your gaem through HTML5 if you are not a fan of playing games on mobile devices.....HTML5 is simply accessed through a web browser so it should work on a Mac Mini.....hope this helps?

    3) Very good point regarding the currency.....many vistors are from the US

    Thank you
  • chacham3
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    Re: Halfway through launch - things gone a little static

    by chacham3 » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:41 pm

    apm-designs wrote:Firstly, thank you very much for taking out the time to explain this to me. My colleague is in charge of the editing of the KS....the idea is that if too many people are changing things then the campaign will look a mess

    Excellent idea. Similar to what is suggested regarding a library in "The Mythical Man-Month".

    apm-designs wrote:1) When you say level of support, are you refering to the pledges...basically the little goodies you get depending on how much you pledge?

    Yes. They are explained on the side and in the page. But i did not easily understand the difference in between the goodies. Perhaps they just needed a few more words. It's almost as if there are fancy new words for each level, but don't explain it too well...hmm...that's not right. Maybe it's that i don't understand what i am missing out on if i go to the lower level.

    This is just based on a feeling after looking for a few minutes. I watched most of the video (got boring after a bit) and read the side panel, and while i though i figured out most of it, i was left feeling that i had an incomplete understanding.

    I am not telling you this as a complaint. Just communicating that "quick feeling" on which i base so many of my decisions.

    apm-designs wrote:2) Regarding if it runs on a mac mini....the game editor is accessed through any web browser...you create your games on this web browser by dragging and dropping your assets onto it and in turn the game you are creating will propagate in real time on your hand held device....does not matter if you have Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows.
    So in short this is a system that allows you to create games for smart phones, tabs, iPhone, iPads etc.....you can still however play your gaem through HTML5 if you are not a fan of playing games on mobile devices.....HTML5 is simply accessed through a web browser so it should work on a Mac Mini.....hope this helps?

    That helps. IOW, the mac mini, running OSX, cannot run the games natively. Instead, it would require a browser to do so, much like Windows. Mobile devices will run them natively.

    Was that explained in the video or in a prominent location on the page?

    apm-designs wrote:3) Very good point regarding the currency.....many vistors are from the US

    And we Americans are less likely to spend more then a few seconds making that initial decision (to support, or to spend more time studying it). Currency is a major player in that decision, and if it isn't provided clearly, i would guess that a lot of people would just give up unless they were *really* interested in the project.
  • apm-designs
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    Re: Halfway through launch - things gone a little static

    by apm-designs » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:27 pm

    Hello Chacham3,

    You are not complaining...with out vital constructive critisism we would not move forwards.

    Regarding the pledges.....I think you have a valid point.

    Regarding the Mac Mini....well actually I system is designed to allow for anyone to make their own 3D games for hand held (mobile) devices...it is compatible on all platforms....iOS, Windows Mobile, Android, BlackBerry, Tizen etc....That is our Primary goal.

    However, for those who want to play on their PC Windows, PC Linux, Mac OSX, you can still play your own games through a web browser.

    Hey Chacham3, thanks very much for your help, I have included this little demo video on how to connect the online editor to your hand held device....In this case it is demonstrating how to connect to an android, I assume you are a MAC fan, so the principle is the same.

  • apm-designs
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    Re: Halfway through launch - things gone a little static

    by apm-designs » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:31 pm

    Oh BTW Chacham3,

    Regarding the video, we have moved servers so you might not be able to get it to work now, but it was more about giving you a visual on the concept / idea of how our product works

    Thanks again

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