WELtip Toothpaste Delivery System - video
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    Re: WELtip Toothpaste Delivery System - video

    by Charles » Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:42 pm

    WELdental wrote:The initial users will most likely be Waterpik users. We do want to enlighten others to the benefits of water flossing and of course WELtip. There are over 12 million water flossers sold in the US each year and there are an estimated 50 million users. Waterpik currently has over 90% of the market.

    OK, so let's return to what you said, previously:

    WELdental wrote:If I could clarify what WELtip is. It is a replacement tip for existing water flossers on the market today of which the most popular is Waterpik.

    Since your video DOESN'T ACTUALLY SHOW how the tip that you created does a better job than a Waterpik tip, that translates into you (via your project page and video) having to EXPLAIN what you want people to believe and accept as fact, yet which you FAIL TO ACTUALLY SHOW.

    These days, people are subjected to all kinds of advertising. Television commercials frequently deal with unsavory topics, including health related topics. Teeth deal with one's personal health and well being.

    HOW does your tip accomplish what Waterpik's tip doesn't or can't? That remains UNCLEAR to me, and unclear equates to DOUBT on the part of prospective consumers.


    Remove doubt, and your project's chances of securing pledges increases, I would think.

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