The EPK (Electronic Press Kit)
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    The EPK (Electronic Press Kit)

    by BenEnke » Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:47 am

    Hello awesome Kickstarter peeps!

    I wanted to write to see what your experiences are with trying to get media coverage (news, radio, newspaper, magazine, webiste, blog, etc) for your Kickstarter campaign.

    I just launched our second campaign today, and had very little luck my first time around garnering media coverage, though the KS was ultimately successful. This one has a much higher budget though, so I've spent some significant time forming a kickass press kit, and have spent hours upon hours gathering email addresses for local news to submit these press kits too.

    Do you guys use EPKs for your campaigns? If so, how do you go about submitting them, and finding the right contact info? Have you found the work that goes into them pays off?


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