[NOW LIVE] The 2020 Coin Project
  • IAmSteele
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    [NOW LIVE] The 2020 Coin Project

    by IAmSteele » Sat Jan 02, 2021 1:07 am

    Project URL
    https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/st ... ?ref=forum

    Just launched our first Kickstarter and would absolutely love your feedback!

    Here are a few notes about the project:
    • On day 3 of 15 days
    • I gave my team about 3 days notice to launch (learning this is not ideal)
    • As of this post, we're sitting at 25% funded
    • Currently at 4% overall conversion with 425 page visitors
    So, the first thing we've learned is that the most important element is the tribe concept. We essentially have no following and have done very little promotion (social and family/friends). I have so many questions but I would really appreciate your raw feedback.

    A few questions I have if anyone cares to answer them:
    • What's your advice for post-launch promotional energy? We're not afraid to invest in paid media, but want to invest in the smartest areas.
    • What's the consensus on ideal project length for projects similar to ours?
    • Mid-project incentives to increase exposure/conversion rate?
    All feedback is extremely appreciated! Looking forward to being a part of this community!

    A few graphics from the project:

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