Having released my project to the world on September 8, my thoughts on sticking with a launch date.
(I first wrote this in my blog
http://blog.aquaminor.com, but thought I'd share here.)
"... One item I want to touch on, is that the launch date is mainly within the project’s control, and often it is seemingly easy to push out. For example, “We need more time for the video, let’s launch a week later.” A set launch date of June may easily shift out to August before you know it.
And, it’s extremely difficult to have all of your i’s dotted and t’s crossed. We launched on Monday in spite of limitations in our media contacts (bloggers, journals, etc.) As an engineer, this is akin to releasing a product without full technical verification—against our nature. A main reason for sticking with our prescribed launch date* has been a desire to achieve and maintain credibility. The converse was to call the media to support a September 8 launch, only to delay it due to a lack of timely response.
And, this ties back to our values I published in December 2013 (
http://bit.ly/amvalues), item 2 "taking the high road."
(A thank you to our early supporters and promoters!)
* there are legitimate reasons for slipping launch dates such as delivering a quality product. A key is to judge correctly."