A Little Shop of Horrors quote can't harm when you're after peoples attention right?
So i completely underestimated running a Kickstarter campaign, despite a fair bit of research. I think my primary mistake was having too much belief in our project! I thought a lot more people that would be interested in buying our clothes in a shop would want to jump on the band wagon and help us make it a reality. That bubble got popped fast!
This is a for runner to a much bigger project and i think i have decided to hire in an expert for that one. Unfortunately i have no budget for that now and just need any advice and help and feedback i can get to hone, improve and make it happen!
Even our friends and family are slow with the pledges, although great with the kind words and sharing!
I am emailing bloggers and posting in relevant groups. I think i have some local media lined up. What more can i do? Be blunt, it's cool. I appreciate your time and feedback.