MajorClarity's Kickstarter!
  • jdbelsterling
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    MajorClarity's Kickstarter!

    by jdbelsterling » Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:40 am

    Just wanted to quickly intro myself and my kickstarter project, in hopes you'll share it and maybe even back it! MajorClarity is an EdTech startup providing students quick, easy, yet immersive major and career path test-drives. This is needed because currently 80% of students change majors in college, which directly leads to lower graduation and retention rates, and higher student debt.

    Our Kickstarter campaign offers:
      -A compelling story (we're current students innovating students' educational experience)
      -Philanthropic intentions (we're giving back to underserved NYC students through our partnership with Camp Interactive
      -Exclusive individual access to our platform, which may no longer be available after the campaign ends

    Here is the project link: ... ajor-today.

    Please back and share, and help us give back to underserved students and fight low graduation, retention, and high student debt!

    Innovate education AND give back to underserved NYC students through MajorClarity's Kickstarter. Check it out here: ... ajor-today
  • TwoforTwo
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    Re: MajorClarity's Kickstarter!

    by TwoforTwo » Wed Dec 30, 2020 9:11 pm

    as for me license certification helps you achieve your "best" career
  • nadinefaith
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    Re: MajorClarity's Kickstarter!

    by nadinefaith » Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:00 pm

    That is true! The license or a certification helps you achieve your "best" career. Also you have more chances to have a bigger salary if you have a certification. I am an electrician for 15 years. I come it this profession after graduating from university and did not find a job that paid well enough. But then it was my electrical equipment license. that I had received at these online classes and practical experience that allowed me to work in an engineering firm now.

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