Less Than a Week Left on Kickstarter!
  • Mr. YouthWriter
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    Less Than a Week Left on Kickstarter!

    by Mr. YouthWriter » Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:07 pm

    Hey Everyone,

    I debated on using capital letters and multiple exclamation points, but I decided against it; I'm an author, and I think I would cringe every time I saw the thread title. Which is one of the reasons why I'm posting this; I've been cringing a lot lately. Every day that passes without being successfully funding makes me cringe and, to be honest, I'm starting to lose sleep over it. This is the Kickstarter for my first novel that I'm publishing; I'm a 17 year old writer, and I've wanted to be an author for as long as I can remember. No, seriously, I literally cannot remember a time when I didn't want to be an author as a career. I've been working on my current novel, the one on Kickstarter, for over three years; I'm signed on with a publishing company. I'm taking this seriously, and trying to take my career, my future into my own hands. But, everyone, I could really use some help.

    I'm not begging here; I have standards. However, I am imploring everyone to take a look at my Kickstarter. I'm over 74% funded, and just need that last quarter to be filled. I have less than a week left to make this dream of mine come true, and I need all the support you can give! As I've said, I'm a 17 year old author, and my novel, Legend Land, is an action/fantasy work. Anything anyone can do to help get the word out is much appreciated; if anyone knows of any bloggers, podcasters, YouTubers, organizations, etc. that would help get the word out about my novel (without having to pay them), please don't hesitate to let me know. Of course, if you can contribute directly to my Kickstarter in addition to helping spread the word, I would be very grateful. I've done my best to give back as well as I can to the Kickstarter and writing communities, and right now I need just a huge boost of support from both. All dedication, support and contributions are very much appreciated! Every little bit helps. Here's the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arkstorm/legend-land-a-novel-by-noah-barfield

    Thank you all so much,
    Noah Barfield

    Like books? Me too! That's why me, a 17 year old writer, successfully raised money for my first book on Kickstarter. Go ahead and check out the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arkstorm/legend-land-a-novel-by-noah-barfield

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