I am reaching out to you with a very unique Pay it Forward Restaurant concept which has been a dream of mine for years. This idea has the potential to change communities all over the United States. Everything begins with one small step. Have you ever heard of the saying "To change the world it takes one act of kindness at a time." I completely agree with that statement which is why The Red House HomeMade To Go Kickstarter Campaign is so important to me.
This business concept begins with opening a restaurant which serves fresh home cooked comfort food. Charges reasonable prices and serves large portions. As soon as the restaurant begins to show a profit 10% of those profits will be donated to local volunteer fire and ambulance departments. The restaurant decor will be informational and demonstrational of the services these selfless people provide to their communities. We will assist with obtaining additional volunteers and donations at the restaurant. I volunteered for fire and ambulance for four years so I know how much they depend on donations.
This idea also includes utilizing local farmers for our perishable products used to created our delicious dishes. We will also use a local insurance company whose owners are members of a local volunteer fire department. The idea is to pay it forward locally whenever the opportunity is available. Long term goal of mine is to have this idea go viral in all communities. Having people create a campaign, idea, or concept which helps benefit their communities. With all the tragic events taking place there is no better time for communities to come together.
Here is the link to my campaign
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/25 ... escription I currently have 19 days left to raise $170,000 to meet my goal. I have two backers and I am excited and grateful for their support. It's a small start, but we all have to begin somewhere. I am sure you will love the concept. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Nancy Jackson