Help me with an experiment?
  • ExplodingDesk
    Kickstarter Succcess
    Kickstarter Succcess
    Posts: 41
    Joined: Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:09 pm

    Help me with an experiment?

    by ExplodingDesk » Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:13 pm

    Hey folks!

    So, my campaign is looking like it very well might not fund. (Although there is still hope!) So, I decided the least I can do is have some fun with it! I want to see if I can get featured, through running an experiment. (I use the term experiment loosely, but I do hope I can learn from this.)

    I made a video about my experiment here:

    If you don't have time to watch a video, here is the short of it:

    Hypothesis- Through systematically interacting with both my campaign page and social media, Quest Scouts will get featured on Kickstarter.

    The Experiment- We need your help! To participate you need $1 and 15 minutes (or less.)

    Complete the following actions:
    1) Back the Quest Scouts project at
    2) Leave a positive comment on the Quest Scouts Kickstarter page.
    3) Post this campaign to any social media account.
    4) Use social media to tell Kickstarter (@kickstarter) that you want Quest Scouts to be featured.
    5) Choose one friend who you think would be interested in this experiment and urge them to participate.

    I'll keep you updated about when/how this project effects my campaign.

    Dylan Waller, Founder of Quest Scouts
    Fulfill Objectives to Complete Quests and Earn Real Life Badges!

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